Application form

for implementation of the process of recognition and validation of previous knowledge and skills acquired in non-formal and informal education

If your answer is YES, please give the details of your current employment, especially the working position. Adding data on your previous employment is optional: you may add up to 3 previous employers, if you find it beneficial for proving your current competences.

Previous Employer

Please give details about your education, including the all stages of formal education (primary, secondary school and (if applicable) your higher education achievements).

Primary School

Secondary School

Higher Education - Professional Degree

Higher Education - Bachelor Degree

Higher Education - Master Degree

Higher Education - Doctoral Degree

Vocational training

Your nonformal (vocational) training is also very important to identify your professional skills and competences. Please give information about the trainings that you have undertaken to achieve new skills or upgrade the existing.


This web application are created by the SEEtheSkills project consortium under EC grant agreement 101033743 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

All intellectual property rights are owned by SEEtheSkills consortium members and are protected by the applicable laws. Reproduction is not authorized without prior written agreement. The commercial use of any information contained in this document may require a license from the owner of that information.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101033743

You successfully completed the form

Now continue with the evaluation.

Data Privacy Consent

You are about to apply for registration for the on-line process of recognition and validation of your previous knowledge and skills acquired in non-formal and informal education, that may lead to certification upon successful evaluation.

This process require collecting and processing your personal data. All the data will be processed according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679)

Please give your agreement in order to proceed with your application.

I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data that I have provided, only by the administrator of SEEtheSkills e-RPL application and solely for the purpose of the process of recognition and validation of previous knowledge and skills, organized through it. I hereby, declare that I am more than 18 years old and that I act under my own responsibility. I declare this agreement in-line with the data protection regulations.

Continuing with this form indicates your acceptance of our data privacy agreement.